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“The Grief Counselor,” by Ayan Ghoshal (India) (copyrighted and used by permission of the artist.)

Grief and Loss Therapy

The depth of your grief will be in proportion to the depth of your love. Grief is a normal feeling we experience upon the death and/or loss of someone or something meaningful to your life and sense of who you are as a person. You have a right to grieve and no one should try to take that away from you, perhaps because they feel uncomfortable with your feelings! Society talks a lot about being a winner but has little understanding or appreciation for what’s involved in losing! The grieving process is one involving community, ritual, psycho-education, feeling your feelings, and adjustment. It’s universal in nature, but individual at the same time! No one else knows exactly what you’re going through and it can feel like the loneliest time in your life!

Grief from death can lead to “prolonged grief” and “complicated grief”, which can be defined and examined in the therapy sessions, if appropriate.

Not all grief is caused by death, however, and the losses we experience throughout our lifespan accumulate over time and we may not recognize these as grief issues! Examples of this are: loss of relationships through estrangement, divorce, misunderstandings, moving, realizing a relationship is toxic, or any number of reasons relating to family members, romances, or friendships. Other losses may include loss of health, job, sense of meaning in life, loss of your sense of identity, life transitions, etc.

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